I might have a slight imbalance
This is my first blog post, so I'll keep it short.
I'm different from all of my friends. My brain swims around in my head grasping at thoughts, trying to ground itself. I'm told I can't do it all, and I know it's true but I try anyway. I seem to have a need for it. I have multiple degrees in jazz music. I'm about to start attending med school. I dumpster dive. I listen to Howard Stern. I have sexual confusion problems. I build furniture in my garage. I'm obsessed with inventing a device that generates electricity from the sun, but does not rely on photovoltaic cells. I'm trying to write and shoot a movie. Sometimes I believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK and sometimes I don't. There is no jesus, and when a train derails leaving 3 survivors out of a thousand passengers, it's not a miracle. I TiVo Family Guy and I'm intrigued by airplane crashes.
My name is not Myles, but everything else in this blog will be true.
Hi Myles or whoever you are/are not
My name IS Dave. Welcome to the world of blogging. All that jazz is not good for a brain, no wonder it swims. If dumpster diving means sifting other peoples rubbish, then yes I think you may have a slight imbalance. If there is no Jesus, then whose life is chronicled in the New Testament?
Jesus is real my friend; furthermore He is the answer to all your needs.
You are not ALL that different to the rest of us. From what I read here you have a good imagination and a variety of interests.
I challenge you to put Jesus under the spotlight, prove to yourself that he does not exist. You need to be certain , because if you are wrong, as things stand you are at risk of eternal hell.
Surely there has to be more to life than other peoples rubbish!
God bless
2:01 PM EST
Hi Dave,
Thanks for posting my first comment! I am sure there's no Jesus. Are you sure there's no Aphrodite or Ra? There's no eternal hell. There's no need for it. Trillions have come and gone, and we're equally as (un)important as they were. If Jesus says belief in him is the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven, then what about all the poor souls who existed before 30 AD? Put your fear of damnation aside for just a moment and look at history objectively. Christianity is just as silly as Greek mythology.
As for the dumpster diving, it's not actually diving in dumpsters (or skips as the Brits say). I just drive around and pick up some of the incredible things people think of as waste. I don't collect food or dirty socks or anything like that. I've found TVs, doors, glass, chairs, fans and tons of other stuff in perfect working order.
2:37 PM EST
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