There was a time when my mind was clear and problems rolled off my back like a slimy egg on a hot car hood. That was dumb...but descriptive. Anyhow, I was living in Manhattan, working from 10 to 7, taking care of my dog and trying to write music. Even though I was not very productive, I didn't care. Instead I was just happy. The reason for this is that I was a chronic meditator. Every morning I would wake up early, take my dog to the dog run, then come back home to sit for 20 - 30 minutes. That's all it took to transform my mind and my life from a scatter-brained exercise in energy expenditure to a safe, comfortable exercise in equanimity.
Now that I'm a scatter-brained dynamo again, I look back to that calm time with yearning and jealousy. Seems kind of stupid that I am experiencing jealousy over myself; and furthermore that it's not aimed at a huge feat of accomplishment like constructing the pyramids or developing a cure for macular degeneration. I'm jealous of when I used to do
less. All I would need to do is sit still for 20 minutes. Ahh, but the bane of growth and evolution is that naivete fades to stark reality. I can now see that I hesitate to start a new meditation practice because of all the previous times that I've 'failed' at it. At least 20 times in the past 5 years I've decided to fix my life and start a schedule of exercise and meditation; and usually a hundred other things all at once. Well, no wonder I have not succeeded at continuing with it. I now have a negative Pavlovian response to the idea of meditating. It's sad and should be rectified.
Today I will just read a bit from one of my meditation books. No expectation shall be made as to how I should feel or what sort of benefit I should receive from it. I'll report back here later.
I feel better now. I listened to Phil Hendrie and that always cheers me up. I also got rid of some of the monkeys on my back by paying off all my bills; some of which I hadn't opened since before christmas! Oh well.... all taken care of now. I also decided to start exercising again tomorrow. I know I do this every 3 months or so, but I see no option but to keep trying. =)
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Angst •
Mindfulness •
Meditation •