My shrink's got problems
I decided to start seeing a psychologist. I figured maybe he/she could help me improve my study habits, and possibly help with some other areas of my life. I once went to a counselor at my university and she told me that I probably have a form of adult ADD. The first thing I thought was that everyone and their mother's been diagnosed with ADD. But it turns out I was wrong and that there are some very specific guidelines to diagnosing ADD. I picked up a book at B&N specifically about adult ADD, and holy shit what do you know? I think that counselor may have been right. There's a checklist to help do a preliminary self-diagnostic and I scored WAY into the "you should see someone about ADD immediately, before you forget that you're reading this book" category, which I just made up. So this prompted me to see a guy in my area who is no expert at ADD at all, but he's like... right around the corner from me. Sometimes I do dumb things.
Anyway, I'm there this week for my second visit and he starts to tell me how he has had all of these "mystical" experiences and how I should appeal to my "universal god" for help and guidance. I said I didn't think that would work for me because I'm profoundly agnostic, but that I would listen...after all he might be able to help me in a way I hadn't thought of before. So he told me that he sometimes channels spirits and they all tell him the same thing, which has something to do with their covenant with man. The covenant has something to do with how humans are meant to evolve spiritually before we would be let into the spirit world, or something like that. At this point I did something I'm very proud of...
I told my psychologist that he was delusional and that he made that whole thing up in his head. At the very most I'd say that it's extremely unlikely... and to prove it I told him that I could gather a group of 10,000 'channelers' and they all might swear that the spirits they encounter have told of a covenant with man. But if these covenants aren't all describing the same concepts, then either only ONE of them is 'true', or they've all been invented by the same creative force.. the human brain.
See, that's the beauty and savvy of agnosticism over atheism. Agnostics are smart enough to admit that there is no way to know for sure which God is the one real and true one. Or even if one exists at all. Logic dictates that if all religions contradict each other in one way or another, they're probably all unfounded. An agnostic view of history, evolution and humanity reveals a perfect match. It all makes perfect logical sense. A religious view is selfish, illogical and describes an unfair, unjust power construct. Thank you.
Filed in: Agnosticism • Psychology • ADD