Still coffee-free and loving it!
I still haven't had any coffee since I quit about 10 days ago, and I'm still feeling good. Have I also mentioned that I've been alternating between running and lifting weights every day for the past 3 weeks too? Yeah, well that's also making me feel incredible. So I dunno if it's the coffee or the working out or just the holy spirit in my ass, but who cares? It's good stuff.
Yesterday I had planned to hang out with a friend and play some guitar, until he called me later on saying that he couldn't make it. Three of us fellow med students are sort of forming a band because the other 2 guys are damn good musicians. Anyway, he told me that he didn't want to come over unless the 3rd guy was gonna play too. I know that a month ago I would've taken it as an insult. Like why wouldn't he just want to come hang out even if the other dude isn't there? But he told me he had a lot of studying to do and didn't want to play unless it was a legitimate rehearsal. I didn't take it as an insult, it didn't depress me or "hurt my feelings" or anything (I'm a douche, I know). In fact, I took it as an opportunity to do some transcribing. Remember when I said I would put up a new transcription once a week? Fuck!
Well, I think this one might be a bit more popular than my last one. I transcribed (and somewhat altered) the "You Have AIDS" barbershop quartet song from Family Guy. The original is not actually a capella. There's a band behind the singers, and technically there are 5 voices (the quartet plus Peter). But I just altered it to sound decent as an a capella barbershop quartet. I'll put it up in a few days. Music never seems to get scanned well. It always looks like an Amsler grid does to a diabetic.
OK, I'm done rambling.